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Organic Fertilizers

 All of our Organic Fertilizers are manufactured from composted Cattle Manure, Gypsum and Carbon with other products added depending on the Fertilizer being produced.

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Organic Top Soil

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Our Organic Top Soil has a mixture of normal soil and compost in it. You can use it to create flower beds, preparing an area to plant grass or an at home vegetables garden

Our Organic Top Soil has a mixture of normal soil and compost in it. You can use it to create flower beds, preparing an area to plant grass or an at home vegetables garden

Our Organic Top Soil has a mixture of normal soil and compost in it. You can use it to create flower beds, preparing an area to plant grass or an at home vegetables garden

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Organic Potting Soil

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The main function of a potting mix is to hold moisture and nutrients around Plants roots. Act as a reservoir for critical elements of life. Provide enough air for growing roots to breathe and not rot.


Organic Crumble


Use Organic Crumble in Pot Plants, flower beds, fruit trees and on your grass. It is a slow release organic fertilizer that gives nutrients slowly to your plants as you water them.  

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Organic Lawn Dressing

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Use Organic Lawn Dressing on Your grass: to promote greener, thicker and healthier’ looking grass.


Organic Compost

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A massive benefit of compost is to enrich soils, retain moisture, and suppress plant diseases and pests.


Organic + Biological


Our Organic + Biological come in granular form and is used as a general Fertilizer for all crops. The Biological stimulant increases microbial activity and releases essential elements into the soils.


Organic Granules


Benefits: Increases soil matter; Boosts microbial activity; 100% Organic; Safe to use; Increases soil water holding capacity; Increased yields; Breathes life into the soil.

Application: (general guideline)

All crops 400 – 1000kgs/Ha

Use soil analysis for final application rates.

Form: Granules, easy to apply, using a planter or Fertilizer applicator.  

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Okavango Eco

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Benefits: Increases soil matter; Boosts microbial activity; 100% Organic; Safe to use; Increases soil water holding capacity; Increased yields; Breathes life into the soil.

Application: (general guideline)

Tomatoes – 1000kgs/Ha


Tobacco – 800-1000kgs/Ha

Use soil analysis for final application rates.

Form: Granules, easy to apply, using a planter or Fertilizer applicator.  

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Neem Eco

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Benefits: Increases soil matter; Boosts microbial activity; 100% Organic; Safe to use; Increases soil water holding capacity; Increased yields; Breathes life into the soil. Organic Nematicide

Application: (general guideline) All crops 125kgs/Ha Neem

Use soil analysis for final application rates.

Form: Granules, easy to apply using a planter or Fertilizer applicator.  

OFMB is not limited to these products. We can make any fertilizer you require.

Click below for our Chemical Blended Fertilizers

Click below for our Organically Blended Fertilizers


Mon - Fri: 7.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday: 7.30am - 12pm closed last Saturday of each month

Sunday: Closed

Plot 818 KP Mmamashia

P.O Box 47059, Phakalane, Gaborone


Cell: +267 - 76065264 

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